07 June 2009

My Hometown...Pleasanton

Here's a quick post - more on this past week, and some reflections on the France trip, to come. I'm at the Oakland Airport - a full week after arriving into SFO from France. Sorry there haven't been any posts in the past week. The bottom line - I've been completely wiped. My last big international trip was a full 10 years ago, when I went to Australia with my friend Tony Sabella. Wow....what a difference a decade makes.....it's been a week of total exhaustion and trying to get back on track. I've been at my dad's house in Pleasanton, and during the week, we've been planning and prepping (food) for yesterday's celebration of the retirement of Mr. Bob Moorefield, the first band teacher at Foothill High School - my high school....started (yup....it was a brand new, freshman only, at the time, facility). He's been at the helm of what was a very small music program, in the beginning...which has now grown to proportions and with a reputation of excellence and pride. 800 or so current students, past students, parents and a few other folks gathered at the football stadium, yesterday, to celebrate "Moorf's" retirement. It was a day full of great food, weather (yup...more perfect weather!!!), and seeing friends from many years ago. Great people and a really great time. I'm tired and heading to Burbank airport, where I'm renting a car to see my new puppy for the first time. An English Cocker, born 4 weeks ago, which I will get to take home in another 8 weeks. It just seemed like an ideal time to stop by, meet the breeder, and drive the two hours (one way rental car) to Palm Springs - home!!!!! Can't wait.

Here's a quick picture of Mr. Moorefield (Julie Bos at left was food and beverage chari, D'Aun was on the committee and worked like heck all day, my DAD who worked like he was 20....thanks Dad, and on the right is Mr. Moorefield) from yesterday - more to follow.

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